Islamic Intolerance Proven and Verified.
I have been hearing some people say that the Jews and Christians are People of the Book. And since they are people of the book, we are not to call them kuffar, mushrikun (pagans) or any other derogatory terms, because Allah called them the People of the Book. May we call the Jews and Christians kuffar or pagans?
Answer:Only the most ignorant and animal minded individuals would insist that prophet killers (Jews) and Jesus worshippers (Christians) deserve the same right as us. If you want to know the rights of Jews and Christians, read Surat ut-Tawba, ayah 29.
This verse is the foundation of the entire Islamic legal superstructure of oppression of dhimmi Jews and Christians. The next time you hear an American Muslim spokesman talking about tolerant Islam, ask him what he is doing to disabuse his radical coreligionists of the notion that Sura 9:29 should be applied today to compel Muslims to war against and subjugate Jews and Christians. Supporters Of Shareeah Q n A ....more..
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Chronicles of the Conquest of Granada

United States Holocaust Museum
Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism
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